So, I went and saw Ben Folds in concert a few weeks ago. It was really really awesome, and probably the best concert that I have seen of him. It was my third time seeing one of his concerts, and well worth the money. He puts on a great show, and I honestly think that everyone should go and see him if they haven't. I know that you won't, and that I am probably talking to no one, but oh well.
I recently went to Union Square where there was apparently a silent rave going on. Really, I was just there to see the movie 'W'. I liked it, and I thought that it was suprisingly sympathetic to President Bush, and made him seem more of a tragic hero than anything. Just reminded me how much I do admire George Bush, and all you crazy liberals from Pace who are reading this, shut your mouths because I don't really care what you have to say at this point. I am tired of your malice. You know, you fool me once, shame on you. You fool me twice.. fool me twice you can't get fooled again. The movie was good. Go see it!
Did I mention that it's cold?
There is a desk attendant who always looks like he is high. Either he is high, dying, or a combination of both. I really do think that he is on at least one kind of drug. You should see him. He's creepy.
I recieved in the mail from my parents the greatest package that I have ever recieved. It c
ontained a life size cardboard cutout of John McCain, and packs of berger cookies. I was really excited by that. Really excited. You have no idea. I practically peed myself. That last part wasn't true, but I was excited. We had a lot of fun with McCain, and now he's become a wall decoration. That's the best use for him, I think. Plus, this room is so small that there was literally no where else for him to live but on the wall. Heck, he does make a good decoration. It's like a Picasso painting.
Did I mention that it's cold?
There is a desk attendant who always looks like he is high. Either he is high, dying, or a combination of both. I really do think that he is on at least one kind of drug. You should see him. He's creepy.
I recieved in the mail from my parents the greatest package that I have ever recieved. It c
My dorm room is extremely messy. You know, speaking of rooms, I have a bone to pick with my parents. In the mere two or three months that I've been gone, Austin has moved into my room, with all trace of me gone. Apparently when I come back home, I have to live in a guest room. That's crap. A stranger in my own house. Please. Bull crap. That's my dang room. Although, I do think that it's interesting that all three of us brothers have lived in that room at this point. I guess that's kind of interesting, huh? It's still crap.
RAPE. Did that make you feel uncomfortable? I'm just making sure that you're still reading.
So, I guess I should talk about school. It's fine, yeah. I mean, I believe that I am doing well in all of my classes, but it's really hard to tell when you aren't really ever assigned assignments. I just assume that I do well because I show up, participate, and do what I'm told with the little outside work that we have besides reading. I guess it's good though, sure. Some classes I like more than others. Some classes I just sit there and zone out on my laptop while watching movies or playing games, other classes I'm really into it. Oddly enough, I am doing well in both of the classes, so apparently you don't always need to pay attention if you just mindlessly type down whatever the professor says without really knowing what exactly you are typing.
I'm also the lead in a show called 'Dog Sees God' here. It's Charlie Brown set like 10 years in the future. I'm playing Charlie Brown! Otherwise know as CB. I'd invite you all to come, but it is way to risque, and even my parents can't come because of such. It's a great play though. Too bad you are missing out.
Looking over classes that I want to take next semester, I've only come up with three. Acting II, Playwriting, and Biblical Studies: The New Testament. Something like that. That should be really really interesting, I'ma thinkin'. I'm also athinkin' that things here would be much better if I had more money.
The key to getting more money I hear, is getting a job. Speaking of jobs, when is that stupid Starbucks gonna call me back? I went in for two interviews, and they said they would be calling me back for first impressions, so I assumed that meant I was hired. Here I am a week later with no call. They better get their act together so that I can make some dang money. Seriously, how hard is it to do what they do? Sam from I Am Sam did it, and he was literally retarded. I can do it too. I'm not even retarded, so that's a bonus. I'm really sexy, suave, charismatic, an amazing worker, and awesome. Why would I not be hired? Nevermind that I came an hour late to the second interview, cause I blew that interview out of the water with my skills. They best be calling me.
You may have noticed the pictures in this post. Yeah, pictures are fun.
So I went busking, or street performing, the other day. Started out in the park, no one listened. Went to the road near the park, no one listened. Went down into the subway, no one listened. I finally found a little area near the Brooklyn Bridge, and people started to listen! Made like six bucks! That was after like an hour, so if I go there and do it longer, I can make like SEVEN BUCKS! Yeah!
Tess, I miss you. Mom, relay that message.
So, guess what. One of my biggest goals of college is to study abroad, and I am really feeling like that may be coming into fruitation. I emailed the study abroad people about it, and they told me to come and meet with them in November so that we can discuss the details. I would be studying abroad my sophomore year, in the spring semester. So I would be there for a whole semester, which is a really exciting prospect. I'd be going to Ireland, Cork to be exact. University College Cork in Cork, Ireland. I've wanted to go there for so long, and Pace has an exchange program there, so we'll see how that spans out. As of now, it's looking very possible, so there is a good chance I think that by this time next year, I'll be getting everything ready to go off to Ireland! I hope that they have Leperchauns! And four leaf clovers! AND LUCKY CHARMS!!!!!
Okay, that's about it for me tonight. Tomorrow
(today), I am waking up early (haha) to go to a place called Almondine Bakery in Brooklyn. Apparently they have the best baguette in the city. I'll be the judge of that. I love my baguette.
It's cold here... so I can't imagine being that close to the water how cold it is up there. Jeez.
RAPE. I made a rape joke recently, and apparently that's only funny to you and I.. Whatever. LOL.
I wanna see "Dog See God" really badly but I get back from TX the second day of performances =( EFF. Record it. Send it to me.
I can't believe you might go to Ireland, craziness!
I am familiar with Dog sees God, and I am partial to CB. I don't know what the odds are I could make it, but at least let me know when it runs. And stay warm, OK?
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