It's hard not having money. It's really hard not having money when you want to spend so much money. That's my problem. I go to spend it, and it's not there. I had to go through a couple days having on 56 cents in my bank account. That's right, not even a dollar. Do you know how sucky that is? You probably don't, but I do. The stupid cafe in Pace closes at like 8:00 PM on weekends, so I couldn't go there to use my mealplan. Therefore, I had to get food somehow or starve that night. Seeing as how I didn't have any food in my room, I knew that I would have to go out into the city to get it. I had five dollars, nothing more. No more in my accounts, nothin'. I went down to a market in search of food, and I was able to get a can of Spagetti-Os (the kind with the dog-food like meatballs), a banana, and a water for almost five dollars. I rejoiced, went home, and had my dinner.
It was only until later that night, that I found out Pace University had given me some sort of refund and put 350 dollars into my bank account. I had that money all through my struggles of trying to find food. Go figure.
I have done a lot though. Recently I saw August: Osage County, which is a three and half hour straight play on Broadway. It was long, but awesome. It just won the Pulitzer Prize, and it's considered one of the greatest American plays written in our generation. It was very very good, so I can see where they are getting that from. Estelle Parsons was in it, which you will know her if you watch Roseanne. She plays Roseanne's drunk, lesbian mother. She's like 81 and really good in the show. The old bag has to run up and down stairs over and over, and she's really energetic seeming. She rocks, as does the show and the rest of the cast. I had a great time doing that.
I also recently saw Ben Folds. It was probably the greatest Ben Folds concert that I have seen thus far, and it was also my third. I would tell you the set list, but you wouldn't care, because the few people who read this blog don't really listen to Ben Folds. Oh well. It was great though, that's mostly all that you need to know. The venue was really cool, it was called Terminal 5 and had a few levels to it and all of that. Fun stuff. Ben was great, as he always is. You would think piano rock/pop music would be like, a lame concert, but it's really not. Ben Folds is hilarious, and he makes his concerts awesome.
It's getting colder out, which is nice. I'm not a huge fan of the heat, and in the cold I can put on more layers if I want to be warm, but in the heat I have to either be naked or rip off my skin when that's not enough. Or I could shave my head, but then I would look like a Mexican, ala Pedro in Napoleon Dynomite. The cool thing is though that I get to wear my awesome sweaters and people compliment me on those cool sweaters. Also, my sweater vests don't seem so out of place anymore. Haha, they are awesome and fashionable at the same time. And yes, I am still a heterosexual.
Halloween is coming up soon, I am going to be Shrek. Yep. Suits me well.
I just ordered a McCain/Palin poster for my side of the room. I don't think my roommate was too happy about it. I don't care, he can die. Or be impaled by the horns of a pitbull. What's the difference between a pitbull and a hockey mom? Lipstick. That's right, I love you Sarah Palin.
Tomorrow, Harry Potter will come to the Actor's Studio (which is film at Pace) to talk about things. I assume that Harry Potter will be one of those things. His real name is Daniel Radcliffe, but really, we all know that he is Harry Potter. I'm going to see him, so I'll get to sit there for like five hours and listen to him answer questions. Something tells me that it will be loooooads of fun. Yep. Sure. Awesome. Actually, I am looking forward to it, it might be really cool, and I get to see celebrities. That's awesome, isn't it? Rhetorical question, I already know that it is.
I made my Christmas List, I guess. I didn't really know what to put on it, so it has a lot of different things. Mom, just don't get me a bunch of clothes though. Yeah, you can get me some, but seriously yo, they need to be awesome looking. I know what's awesome looking, so just get the stuff on the list for the most part. That includes those sheep skin shoes/boots/slippers or whatever item of sheep skin you choose to get. You should get me one of those though. Listen, the sheep had to die for it, the least that I can do is wear them on my feet. Oh, maybe you should look into getting me a llama sweater as well. Mom, I love you. You and the rest of the family will be getting various "I LOVE NEW YORK" items. Be prepared.
Amateur Night auditions are coming up. I have a chance to win money! I'll win big with my songs about rape, prostitutes, and creepers. My songs are so awesome!
Counting sheep is a waste of time. It just occupies your mind, and you can't sleep. That's why we kill sheep and make them into footware.
I like apple cider. Mom, please send me apple cider. Please also send me those Berger cookies that I forgot to bring that are in the fridge in that brown bag that I clearly labled no one should eat. You all probably ate them though. Thank you.
I'm running out of things to say. Classes are going well. We had an intense acting class on Friday, and it was really cool. I'm auditioning for the role of CB in a show called 'Dog Sees God' on Wednesday, and I really hope that I at least get in. I'm working crew for a few shows, but I actually would like to act in one as well. This will be my first audition of the school year, so I'll let you all know how it goes. All of you four people that read this. yep.
Alright. So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Dude, a pitbull is a dog.
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Pace Press Students Share Reflections at 9/11 Vigil
Hey Brandon -- I came across your blog through Google Alerts. Pace is starting a new feature on our website re-launch. We're looking for student bloggers from Pace's campuses to write blogs on a weekly basis. If you'd be interested, please contact me: Enjoyed reading about your life here at Pace!
Why the heck is your blog under review for a violation of Terms of Service?
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